Les illusions d'optique, comment?

Conférence understand the illusions

Une conférence a été donnée dans l'espace L'Harmattan, 21 bis rue des Ecoles Paris 75005

Seminar. Tours University

Seminar. Tours University

Olivier Brodier, Samuel Leman et Xavier Bolot have given the seminar "To see, a link between outside and inside" the 1rst and 2nd of june 2015.
Olivier Brodier is a resach professeur at Tours University, laboratory of theorical mathematics and physics.
Samuel Leman is a resach professeur at Tours University, at INSERM U930 Imaging and Brain.
Xavier Bolot is an ingeneer of the Polytechnical Institute od Grenoble. He develops neurosciences as social behaviour  and art implementations. He is a member of CEAQ Paris V Descartes Sorbonne.


Hip Hop life !

To draw dancers dancing Hip Hop.
Xavier Bolt draws theme and Einbin Choï hold the camera.
It is an implementation of neurosciences.
Read " How to Represent Action" to be transated.

Live Hip Hop

How to draw dancers dancing in a permanent Improvisation ?
Xavier Bolot catches and memorise various times of the present unrolling to let the lecturer's brain the possibility to imagine a scenario.

City exploration

City exploration

Emmetrop is a contemporary art center born thirty years ago
in Bourges. Goals are :
contemporary art promotion in an opened, unpartitioned, uncalibrated action and new relations between arts and populations.
Fron february the 18th during one month an exhibition will occur at the the Chancellerie Urban Exploration Agency on the thema Hip Hop on live.
Xavier Bolot will show his new technics of representation of action.
On Tuesday 17th a performance will occur in the evening at


Illusions in the cathedral of Bourges

Illusions in the cathedral of Bourges

The Patrimoine Office of Bourges, town of art and history, will give a conference on the spot about several phenomenon everyone can observe every day in the cathedral. Those phnomenons were revealed by the researches of Xavier Bolot and written down intwo of hs books Drawing in Real Perspective and The Three Realities.
We meet at the south doordecember 2nd 12:30.


International colloque CEAQ-GREAS Madrid, Paris, Sao Paulo

International colloque CEAQ-GREAS Madrid, Paris, Sao Paulo

International congress of Madrid, Paris and Sao Paulo
Patrimony ad imaginary worlds exchanges 
organised by Roberto Falcon and Apolline Torregrossa
from 28 to 31 octobre 2014 whith a video conference network.
Xavier Bolot was the chairman of the second workshop at 11:00 thursday the 30 th in Paris, Sorbonne, Lavoisier lecture-room, with speaks of
Lilian Amaral, Goias University, Brazil,
Cécile Dubois, Rennes University, France,
Zita Possamai, Rio Grande University, Brazil,
on the subject Bonds between people and patrimony.
The anlysis ande the synthesis of the debates allow to discern in the field of Patrimoy, as in others fields scientific or philosophical, the Three Realities physic, perceived and represented.






I presented at the library my last work The Three Realities.

The ternary approach of the three realities physical, perceived and represented, is a attempt to escape to our binary logic which leads our various scientific thoughts to contradictions, overrating logic and incompletnesses.

On the 2014.06.26, 12 rue Cujas, Amphitheatre Durkheim, Paris V Descartes Sorbonne.

New glance at sciences of life and arts of living

Three complementary works allows us to access to a new perception of the world : Drawing in Real Perspective, The Neutral Light, How to Represent Action. The contributions of sciences of life allows us to have access to new techniques and new performances of representation.

But you need to open the doors of curiosity and will to go further.